Twilight Of The Gods - Our Neighbors  

Their First year as a theme Camp, and many of them had never been here before.

They put much of it together on the rooftops of their apartments in New York City.


I watched them go through the same trials and successes I went through my first year. Very interesting. The camp on our other side was a third year camp and they were going through the same trials and successes I went through my third year.


The men arrived first to set things up and the women arrived just in time as they were starving and there was no food in their camp.


I'm looking forward to their vision for 2006. They had an event at the end of the year, and burned 'The Dude' by collecting all the old grease they could find.

Images can be found on their website.

We left while they were in the middle of breaking (lliterally) down their camp. I felt for them. That a lot! of splintered wood to pick up.