A great group of artsts

We may provide a window to your origins..

...or to your end.
The Streets of Black Rock City will flow with the blood of the Non-Believers.

Black light Commitment
Design, Governance, and Ownership
Obligations of Members
Leaving No Trace

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.

Right to Limit Memberships
Right to Reject or Terminate Memberships
Presumption Regarding Personal Property of Members
Membership Form

This is a master level art camp.


We will provide an environment to express, experience, and explore creative artistic talents thoughts and ideas--play, sing, interact, spin, dance, and amuse. Cascading fluorescent colors by day and glowing light by night. People can participate by creating their own specific vision with Black light as it's central theme. We will support these creative endeavors by providing a lamppost and shade structure to play under and create and entertain in, along with supporting artwork we decide to bring.

In a 50' x 50' lot, our truck and trailer will take up 10' x 50' with the truck on the outside of the lot in front of the street. On the opposite side and centered will be our Ttok shade structure which is 28' diameter - 35' diameter with guy lines. The border of Ttok will be lined with decorative flags. Our centerpiece artwork will be a new creation called the fire flower which will be stylized utilizing fabric, metal, paint and fixtures. We will have a 10' gate on either side of our lot for with a 30' entrance. The gate will be used as a bike rack. Our decorative truck will have a platform on top for ease in viewing the festival, with fixtures and a table for cocktails. Our camp will, of course be lined with flags along the borders. Our color scheme is red, orange and yellow.

Our camp also has a policy of--total transformation-zero impact-leave no trace.

Our camp is designed to be visually appealing and interactive both by day and by night. Making use of all of our assets, our camp will have clean lines and all vehicles will both look great and serve a function. We will utilize 100% of the resources we bring with us. Nothing more and more importantly, nothing less. There will be no handing out of little gifts. Our gift to you is our art camp. We work on it all year round and spend thousands of dollars on it. Be grateful.

Black Light Commitment:

Black light commitment shows our total commitment to the effects of Black Light and Artistic Integrity. A commitment made for our project to have a visually clean and pleasant effect both by day and night. It is reached in as many ways as imagined and known. Our truck, trailer, flags, shade structure, centerpiece artwork, clothes, makeup, and accessories will have fluorescent qualities in their foundation.


Our goal is to create awesome art with a shared theme that utilizes and challenges our talents, strengths and creativity. To be prepared. To streamline our camp to optimize all assets, weight, ease of set up, clean lines and synchronicity. To leave for the event on time. To have no more than 15 hours of drive time. To be safe and healthy. To set up in one day and to interact in the festival experience. To clean up and disappear in one day as if we never were.


People wishing to participate in the creation of the World Domination Headquarters must bring something to the table. Our vision is mapped out. Clean lines and 100% use of all assets is mandatory. This is not a question of us doing something for you, rather you doing something for us. Render Unto Caesar that which is Caesars..

The Festival Credo is LEAVE NO TRACE. Each member must book enough time to clean up after themselves and enough space in their vehicles take their trash with them at the end of the festival. Leave nothing behind but a memory.

Cleanup is mandatory.

Resentments are abolished by having everyone be responsible for themselves in all ways, this way any and all labor will be a gift of love to the Black Rock City community as a whole.

Design, Governance, and Ownership:

The World Domination Headquarters will be designed, owned and governed by Dana Troy, aka lovcat.


People who can bring something both useful and beautiful to our camp in a black light/World Domination Headquarters central theme are invited to join. Those interested may become members only by submitting your proposal and the completed registration form by June 15.

After June 15, those interested must find creative bribes to be considered for membership. Members are responsible for their own tickets, transportation, food, water, clothing, shelter, etc. Membership implies neither equitable interest nor any liability for the debts or obligations of the World Domination Headquarters. No member may bind the World Domination Headquarters to any obligation without the express written authorization or ratification of its Director.

* Fill Out the Membership Form *

Membership forms are kept on file for use as a statement of intent and in case of emergencies.

Filling out the membership form is a mandatory requirement.


Obligations of Members:

Every member must be patient, respect the person, property, and feelings of others, and get along. Every member joining the World Domination Headquarters must conduct themselves according to the rules and ethos of the Black Rock City Arts Festival (Participate, Do Nothing That Interferes With Someone Else's Immediate Experience, and Leave No Trace).

Every member joining the World Domination Headquarters must conduct themselves according to such rules as we may officially declare from time to time for the safe, sanitary, courteous, and enjoyment of members, visitors, and Black Rock City community.

Every member must create something that fits into the theme of our camp and be able to complete and adhere to the goals and participation sections of our charter. No riding in on anyone's coat tails. This is a master level art camp.

leavin' NO TRACEEvery single member joining the World Domination Headquarters is absolutely required to remain at the festival and exercise their best and most diligent efforts to dismantle their part, pack up all materials and residue of the areas, load all materials and residue of the community on to vehicles, and so clean the entire encampment area as to leave no trace of the World Domination Headquarters whatsoever--and to persist in such activities and efforts until they are completed to the satisfaction of the Director.

Every member also must devote 2 hours to cleaning up the city. Exemptions may be granted from a member's obligation to participate in tear down and packing, loading, and clean up in the sound discretion of the Director. Such exemptions will only be granted based on extraordinary need and only if authorized in advance and in accordance with any equitable terms or conditions as agreed upon in advance. Such conditions may include payment of a cash surcharge, additional labor obligations, or otherwise. Breaches of these obligations, particularly the obligation to participate in clean up until finished, will subject members to public humiliation and a dumping of trash on their cars and homes upon return from the Festival and will result in expulsion from membership with forfeiture of future membership.

This is mandatory. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and leaving no trace.

Nothing at the Festival is created by magic. Great projects take months of hard work and thou$and$ of dollar$.

Most everything that is and will be created will be done for the very first time and will have inherent problems not foreseen to be solved. Projects take on a life of their own during the process of creation and how and idea begins is not necessarily how it ends. It is our experience that all projects take at least three times the amount of time (and money) allotted for the creation. It is our repeated experience that things created on the playa take 10 times the amount of time and energy if it even gets accomplished at all. To this end, we expect all projects in the World Domination Headquarters to be finished before leaving for the event. The reward for your efforts extends into every facet of your life both on and off the playa, in your professional and personal life, and in ways you never conceived of.


Right to Limit Memberships:Dancin' in the Streets!

The World Domination Headquarters may, in its sound discretion, announce a limit on the number of memberships available, either to enhance the quality of the Festival experience for its members, to create psychological pressure to expedite membership enrollments, or otherwise.

Right to Reject or Terminate Memberships:

The World Domination Headquarters further reserves the right, in its sound discretion exercised in good faith, to refuse membership to any person for any reason other than discrimination based on sex, race, creed, color, or national or ethnic origin. Such right of rejection or expulsion is contrary to the general spirit of maximum inclusiveness, but is reserved as a right for those circumstances in which it is deemed necessary for the safety or well-being of its members, or its guests.

Presumption Regarding Personal Property of Members:

Members are encouraged to help create the World Domination Headquarters by being self-sufficient; creating all personal artwork, functional or decorative which will fit into the theme by themselves. Expecting others to help finish your project is selfish and puts their projects behind schedule.

All such personal property brought to the Festival by a member will remain the personal property of such member.

By contrast, non-reusable items of personal property such as nails, paint, cable ties, glue, food and beverage items for common or hospitality use, etc. will be presumed to be donated to the World Domination Headquarters unless a contrary intention is received in writing in advance. All personal property must be properly tagged with name and theme camp affiliation in order that property may be returned properly. Any equipment not tagged may be subjected to the chaos and questionable end of the Black Rock City Arts Festival experience.

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