camp maps

Commit to:

Clean as we go, recognizing that any trash or MOOP (matter out of place) can blow away or be buried at any moment.

We as a unit, will grid our camp (walking shoulder to shoulder in a line to cover every inch of our playa home) and do a sweep of our camp daily.

Clean more than just our camp. Take care of any trash left behind by others.



Lovcat is certified in CPR and Medic first aid. She owns and will have in trailer a detailed first aid kit and oxygen tank. Fire extinguishers will be in both the trailer and truck within easy viability and reach.

Gas will be stored on truck (15 gallons) and is used only for our generator at night to power 1500 watts of black light.

Clean Up Plan:

1) We plan to use materials for our campsite that lessen waste, and are recyclable or reusable.

We will use plastic dishes and utensils to reduce trash.
We will bring only aluminum beer cans and plastic soda bottles, and our juice will come in recyclable plastic and our V8 will come in cans. We will have lots of Vodka and Gin kept in our fridge (in glass bottles) Bring on the Bloody Mary's!

We will not create any artwork on the playa--only setting up.

2) We will not bring small trinkets, flimsy paper, small feathers (boas) and glass bottles since they typically get left on the playa for others to clean up.

Our souvenirs (prizes) will be our camp created by us that we hope will inspire and amuse.

3) We plan to set up camp in a way that is easy to keep clean.

Our camp is a colorful art installation and I'm way to neurotic to leave it strewn with litter and debris. We will make an aggressive effort to keep it clean, neat and tidy.

4) We plan the breakdown/cleanup of our camp in detail, accounting for every board, stake and scrap; by packing in all the necessary tools for clean-up.

We are highly organized and meticulous. Everything we bring up is detailed down to the last stake and everything small enough has it's own hand made color coded and labeled bag. Everything has a home and Nothing gets put into a strange spot--when it comes out of it's bag--it goes back to the same bag.

--*We look good coming in, setting up, tearing down, and leaving.*--

Lovcat is the camp LNT expert, she will ensure that our camp stays clean before, during and after the event. Everyone passing through camp will also help make our camp fun and spontaneous, yet clean. She will get help with the cleanup from fellow BRC residents if and when it is needed or lovcat's claws will come out. We plan our purchases and art and to reuse / recycle / reduce. When it's time to take down and sweep our camp for every last trace we will make sure everything left goes with us.

We will bring the following items for our Camp's Clean-up Day (Sunday)
Whiskbroom and Dustpan
5-gallon bucket for whatever it is needed for.
Separate containers for recyclables, burnables, and nonburnables.
Rope and string for helping others less prepared for tying loose stuff down.
Small spare bags for collecting trash as we wander.
Lots of industrial strength trash bags, more than we think we'll need!
Cheap work gloves for everybody.
Several sledgehammers for compacting in 5-gallon buckets and driving stakes.
Film canisters for small MOOP found on our adventures.
Vise grips for removing stakes and rebar. Magnets for picking up small pieces of metal
Directions and hours of landfills.


To minimize our impact on the Playa, WDHQ will follow these rules:

We pledge to Leave No Trace in and around our campsite, including our own and other's waste. We plan to put time aside for the cleanup, and plan the assembly and takedown of our structures and decorations to simplify their removal. We will keep our recyclables, burnables, and non-burnables separated for easier disposal, recycle our aluminum, and bring no glass to the Playa.

We will clean as we go, realizing that any trash or MOOP (matter out of place) can blow away or be buried at any moment. We have assigned volunteers to check around camp daily for loose MOOP. We will take care of any trash left by our guests , invited or otherwise.

We won't light fires on bare ground, leaving scars. We will not burn any part of our camp. We will take away one trash bag of playa ashes or public MOOP.

We won't dig holes more than 6 inches in diameter or trenches, scarring the Playa, only enough to cover our electrical cords for safety.

We will keep all items tied or weighted down, and leave papers except for Camp Emergency/Contact Information at home.

We will leave extra space in every vehicle on the way to the desert. However our repacking will not! inevitably take up more space. We're that together and extraordinary. The extra space is for ours(very little) and other people's (massive quantities) trash. We will take all trash in sealed containers to a landfill on the way home.

After cleaning our camp, we will will devote at least two hours to the general city cleanup (e.g. Trash Fence, Pottie Camp, Café, etc). It can be fun, by the way.

We will pack out everything and we won't put any trash into Pottie Camp or leave any trash near Pottie Camp. Pottie Camp is not a public trash dump! Be responsible and take your 'shit' with you.

In Fernley, FERNLEY SANITATION will be OPEN through the Labor Day weekend. The office phone is 775-575-4964. The office (but not the dump) is closed on weekends. The rate is $4.25 per cubic yard (27 cubic feet). To reach Fernley Sanitation from Eastbound I-80 take the Fernley exit (immediately after Wadsworth). Turn right onto Main Street, pass the Pilot Gas Station on your right. Stay on Main Street to the light. At the light, make a right onto Alternate US Highway 95a. Go about 2 miles and on the left hand you will see the Public Wreckage Disposal building. Stop at the scale house on your way in.

LOCKWOOD LANDFILL will be open for business on Saturday, Sunday and Monday Aug. 31, Sept. 1 and Sept. 2. They operate 8-4:30 weekends, and 7-4:30 on weekdays (even including the Labor Day Holiday!) Head West on I-80; get off at the Lockwood exit. Go straight and continue past the cattle guard for approximately a mile & a half. The entrance is on the left hand side.

RENO TRANSFER STATION (run by Reno Disposal also, 775-329-8822) will be OPEN through the entire Labor Day weekend. Hours are 6 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays and 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. holidays and weekends. They confirm they will operate on Labor Day. The location in Reno is 1390 Commerical Row . Charge is $3.65 per cubic yard. From I-80 westbound, exit at Wells Avenue, make a left turn left onto 6th street and a right onto Sutro street. Make a left onto Commercial Row and look for 1390 on your left.

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